What is Applied Scholastics?
Applied Scholastics was established by American educators in 1972 to promote and develop programs of effective education for educators, business trainers, tutors, parents, children and any individual who need improved study skills to enhance their scholastic, business and personal activities.
Applied Scholastics is an independent, non-religious (secular) charitable educational organization utilizing Mr. Hubbard’s writings in the field of education. In the United States, it is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation.
We are licensed by the Association for Better Living and Education International (ABLE) to use Mr. Hubbard’s educational methods and Study Technology in education-related fields. In turn, Applied Scholastics licenses organizations which directly apply the Study Technology in schools, training programs and tutoring projects in many countries and communities.
Applied Scholastics does not promote or recommend any religious path. Indeed, throughout the world, Applied Scholastics affiliated organizations deliver Study Technology to members of all faiths, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Mr. Hubbard’s Study Technology is a vital tool for the learning of any subject. As the name implies, it is a technology of study, used to improve one’s ability to understand and apply whatever information one is seeking to learn. It is a wholly secular (non-religious) technology for use by any person in any field.
What does Applied Scholastics do?
The job of Applied Scholastics is to place the Study Technology developed by humanitarian, author and educator L. Ron Hubbard into the hands of the world’s students and educators. It provides educators, governments, vocational trainers, community groups, parents and students with the learning tools they need to overcome the barriers of illiteracy and to enhance their abilities to understand and utilize written materials which they must deal with in all aspects of their lives.
Are Applied Scholastics materials and programs only for children or for those with low education levels?
The answer to both questions is “No!”
Applied Scholastics materials and programs service both adults and youth; they provide the vitally needed technology of how to study effectively to people at a wide range of educational levels.
True, Applied Scholastics programs are often established to provide education and literacy skills to portions of the population which have been routinely excluded from such knowledge due to the decay of school systems, the rot in our inner cities, and, often, to the impact of prejudice on providing services to an area’s population. But Applied Scholastics has a broader reach than these vital activities. Persons seeking to learn a foreign language find that Study Technology helps them to open this door. Academically advanced students — such as those in college and universities — find Study Technology invaluable as they struggle with the extensive and often complex materials in their chosen courses of study.
Numerous businesses around the world have found Applied Scholastics affiliated programs to be essential in educating their labor forces and in stabilizing and raising the company productivity.
What is Study Technology?
Study Technology, researched and developed by L. Ron Hubbard, is a unique program enabling a student to overcome the basic barriers to studying and learning any subject, so that he can understand and retain the data which he is trying to absorb and can effectively put into application the material which he has been studying.
Study Technology is an exact system which teaches one how to learn. It includes the identification of the specific barriers to learning, the tools to help a student grasp the material being studied, and the means to organize the basic learning environment toward the attainment of better results for both the student and teacher. It can be used to create a highly efficient and self-paced learning environment. Understanding and learning to bring about an ability to apply what one has learned is fundamental to Study Technology.
Study Technology gives the student the techniques and understanding which enable him to take increased responsibility and control of his own learning process.
How widespread is the use of L. Ron Hubbard’s Study Technology?
Study Technology is used around the world and has helped over 60 million people to date in 110 nations.
Applied Scholastics currently has a network of over 1000 centers, schools, tutors and affiliates active in 72 countries, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Australia, Denmark, Russia, Japan, Nigeria, South Africa and Samoa.
What is the basis of L. Ron Hubbard’s qualifications as an educator?
Not only was Mr. Hubbard one of the most prolific and successful wordsmiths of all time, with a long history of publications in diverse media and numerous best-selling fiction books, he was also extremely well grounded in the philosophies and humanities and in the rigorous methodology of the physical sciences. As a man of letters as well as a researcher into the problems of the human condition, as early as 1950 Mr. Hubbard expressed his deep concern over the poor quality of our so-called “modern” education. At that time he warned:
“Today’s children will become tomorrow’s civilization. The end and goal of any society as it addresses the problem of education is to raise the ability, the initiative and the cultural level, and with all these the survival level of that society. And when a society forgets any one of these things it is destroying itself by its own educational mediums.”
Later, in the mid-1960s, when attempting to teach advanced and supposedly highly literate students about his discoveries relating to the mind and spirit, Mr. Hubbard realized that the lack of an actual technology of how to study was preventing their rapid and effective duplication and understanding of the material which they were attempting to study. By that time it had become increasingly apparent that the deficiencies in the day’s educational programs were leading to increasing rates of functional illiteracy and generating mounting social problems. So Mr. Hubbard embarked on a program of step-by-step research into the area of education.
The product of that research is the Study Technology promoted today by Applied Scholastics and used by teachers, students and individuals throughout the world